To take part in the market dialogue sessions, interested parties should follow these steps:


The Employers have published Periodic Indicative Notice (PIN) in the Official Journal of the European Union and made this document available.


Interested parties should send an e-mail to in order to receive a link to our booking system. By using the link, a time slot for an individual market dialogue meeting can be reserved. Final confirmation of the market dialogue meeting will be sent by email from Energinet and 50Hertz only after receipt of the written responses – please see step 3.


Further to the above, interested parties should provide written responses to the questions found in this "Discussion paper". The same questions are listed in the excel questionnaire. The Employer prefers that the questions are answered via the Excel questionnaire, however the applicant is free to answer the questions directly in the discussion paper instead.  The responses should be sent by e-mail to . The deadline for sending the responses is

June 2nd 2023 at 12.00 CET.

The Employers will successively consider the incoming responses and confirm the individual dialogue meetings.


The individual market dialogues will be held either physically or online via Teams during the weeks 24 and 25, 2023. The practicality will be planned more specifically with each participant once the booking times have been confirmed.


After the first market dialogue round and until launch of tender, the Employers intend to have further individual market dialogue rounds with the selected candidates.

The Employers intend to allow all suitable potential suppliers to participate in the market dialogues but does, however, reserve the right to limit the number at its sole discretion, in particular if more than 6 show interest in participating.

Periodic Indicative Notice  

Energinet has published a Periodic Indicative Notice (PIN) in the Official Journal of the European Union and has made this document publicly available.


The expected schedule for the tender process related to the Bornholm Energy Island electrical infrastructure is as follows:


Market dialogue



Launch of tender



Contract awards

Please note: the above schedule may be subject to changes.

Any questions?

For questions regarding the tender process and market dialogue sessions, please contact:

50 Hertz contact

Stefan Dahlmann

Energinet contact

Peter Lagoni

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